Current Favorite Songs
Hey guys! What's up? It's been a while since I've done a on-a-whim post. Today I've decided to talk about my current favorite songs, otherwise known as the songs I am constantly listening to whether it is on my laptop or on my phone. Some of the songs are new songs and some of the songs are old songs. Regardless they are all Korean. Let's get started!
"Never Ending Story" by Ken (VIXX) and Choi Sang Yeob from Duet Song Festival
"O Sole Mio" by SF9
"Turn Round and Look At Me" by VIXX from Deux 20th Anniversary Tribute
"Goodbye" by Taemin
"You're the Best" by MAMAMOO
"Whatta Man (Good Man)" by I.O.I
"Very Very Very" by I.O.I
"Beside Me" by Davichi
"Black Out" by VIXX
"Shangri-La" by VIXX
"Hello" by B.I.G
"Eoeo" by UNIQ
"Not Today (Japanese Version)" by BTS
"Whisper" by VIXX LR
"Energetic" by Wanna One
"Don't Recall" by KARD
"Oh NaNa" by KARD
"Power" by EXO
"What U do?" by EXO
"Ko Ko Bop" by EXO
"Plz Don't Be Sad" by HIGHLIGHT
"Red Flavor" by Red Velvet
"Babe" by HyunA
"Monster" by Rap Monster
"Do You" by Rap Monster
I don't really know how this playlist of songs came about but one day I was playing around on my computer and this is what happened. These songs are really some of my favorite and definitely help to make my day better. I decided I should let you guys in on what I've been up to so that's why I wanted to make an update. I'm still really busy at work and now I am babysitting my niece on my day off. I'm still trying to learn Korean, but it is going slowly. I recently bought a Korean edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and a Korean keyboard cover so I can fully immerse myself in Korean. I've even taught my dog Jak certain commands in Korean. Gus didn't really take to the different language but Jak is very smart. I wish I had someone who could help me learn Korean easier. But for now I will stick to my self-study and hope for the best. If I could go back in time, I would fight my parents on their wish for me to learn Spanish and actually take Korean instead. Though it is never too late to learn. I feel bad though because KAC and my friends on KakaoTalk have taken a side burner to everything else because I haven't really had a chance to take a break. Sunday's have become my rest day where I shut down for the whole day and don't really interact with anyone. Thankfully my few friends on Twitter help me through everything. Speaking of KakaoTalk, if you have one, you are definitely welcome to add me. My KakaoTalk ID is vamp1929...obviously. I'm always willing to chat. The only people I currently talk to are my friends in the SF9 Fantasy chatroom I'm in. Also don't forget to follow me on SNS. Twitter = @katrina_meade or @katsanimecorner. Instagram = @vamp1929 or @katsanimecorner. Facebook = @katsanimecorner. Snapchat = katrinameade. I've been mostly on my personal Twitter and my personal IG accounts. So you can definitely find me there. I try to keep up on my KAC pages but it has been really tough with KAC taking a back burner. I'm definitely trying to do way too much.
Anyway, that is all I have for you today.
Until next time!
Ja ne!
xx Kat
Update 10/22/17
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