Best OP and ED from My Top 20 Favorite Anime
Hey guys! The idea for this blog post hit me out of no where! I was watching Haikyuu and jamming to "Ah Yeah!!" by Sukima Switch mourning the loss of "Imagination" by SPYAIR when I decided oh! I am always talking about music in regards to why don't I share my top 20 anime and the best OP and ED regarding those shows. Now, there are a few shows that don't have multiple OP but they are still good for their respective show. While I was researching this, I made a discover and I'm not sure how I feel about it. There is a live action of the series Say "I Love You" and apparently the main theme for the show is sung by One is this in the same way the Red Hot Chili Peppers had the main theme for the OG Death Note live action or is this in a way that the One Direction song fits with the movie theme? I haven't seen the Live Action yet, but I definitely want to check it out. So let's hop into it because I spent like 2 hours going through the OP and ED of 20 different shows. I literally jammed to all of the AOT OP because why not?!
If you don't know what my top 20 anime are at this point, you will now. I think I may get hate for the placement of some of these shows, but it is my opinion. Typically when I do top lists, I go from end to beginning, but since the anime portion is already common knowledge amongst KAC readers, I am going from 1 to 20. It may also be noted that several of these songs have been featured prominently in the past on top OP and ED lists and even top favorite songs lists in general. Also, there were a few shows that I couldn't decide between some I chose both. Please also note, this is NOT my top 20 anime OP and top 20 anime ED that is an entirely different list. Enjoy.
1. Fairy Tail
OP - #16 "Strike Back" - BACK-ON
ED - #14 "We're the Stars" - AIMI
2. D.Gray-man
OP - #3 "Doubt & Trust" - ACCESS
ED - #8 "Changin'" - Stephanie
3. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
OP - #4 "Period" - Chemistry
ED - #4 "Shunkan Sentimental" - SCANDAL
4. Tokyo Ravens
OP - #1 "x-encounter" - Maon Kurosaki
ED - #2 "Break a Spell" - Mami Kawada
5. Pandora Hearts
OP - "Parallel Hearts" - FictionJunction
ED - "Maze" - Savage Genius feat Oomi Tomoe
6. Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
OP - #1 "God Fate" - Faylan
ED - #1 "String of Pain" - Tetsuya Kakihara
7. Say "I Love You"
OP - "Friendship" - Ritsuko Okazaki
ED - "Slow Dance" - Suneohair
8. Blast of Tempest
OP - #1 "Spirit Inspiration" - Nothing's Carved in Stone
ED - #2 "Our Song" - Tomohisa Sako
9. Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
OP - #3 "Hoshi no Arika" - LM.C
ED - #1 "Sparky Start" - Katate Size
10. Sword Art Online
OP - #3 "Ignite" - Eir Aoi
ED - #2 "Overfly" - Luna Haruna
11. My Hero Academia
OP - #4 "Odd Future" - UVERworld / #2 "Peace Sign" - Kenshi Yonezu
ED - #3 "Datte Atashi no Hiro" - LiSA
12. Haikyuu!
OP - #1 "Imagination" - SYPAIR / #3 "Beliver" - SPYAIR.
ED - #5 "Mashi Mashi" - NICO Touches the Walls
13. Seraph of the End
OP - #1 "X.U." - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Gemie
ED - #1 "scaPEGoat" - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Yosh
14. Noragami
OP - #2 "Kyouran Hey Kids" - The Oral Cigarettes
ED - #1 "Heart Realize" - Tia
15. K
OP - #1 "Kings" - Angela
ED - #2 "Kai" - customiZ
16. Psycho-Pass
OP - #1 "abnormalize" - Ling Tosite Sigure
ED - #3 "Fallen" - EGOIST
17. Uraboku
OP - #1 "Uragiri no hai Sekai made" - Rayflower
ED - #1 "Aoi Ito" - Rayflower
18. Attack on Titan
OP - #1 "Guren no Yumiya" - Linked Horizon
ED - #2 "great escape" - cinema staff
Honorable Mention: OP #3 "Shinzou wo Sasageyo!" - Linked Horizon
19. Black Cat
OP - "Daia no Hana" - Yorico
ED - #1 "Namada Boshi" - Puppypet
20. Hiiro no Kakera
OP - #1 "Nee" - Fujita Maiko
ED - #2 "Kimi Dake Wo" - Shuhei Kita
Phew, that was a lot of music. I tried to include as many videos as I could, but for the shows that I couldn't find a video of the OP or ED, I included the show PV. Like I said, each and every one of these shows is a favorite and a lot of these were really hard to narrow down. However, I would like to explain the Attack on Titan one. While Sasageyo is an excellent OP, I think that we would not have gotten Shinzou wo Sasageyo!, Jiyū no Tsubasa, and Shoukei to Shikabane no Michi without Guren no Yumiya. Linked Horizon has definitely left a mark on anime history for sure with their part in Attack on Titan. If you had to do a list like this, what would your favorite openings and endings be from your top favorite anime? It isn't an easy feat but I definitely want to see what you all can come up with.
That is all I have for you at this time, until next time.
Ja ne!
xx Kat
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