Update 3/1/15
Guys, guys. Guess what today is? SUNDAY. I'm posting on a Sunday (hopefully). Yesterday my little sister turned 18 (God I am old) and so I didn't write yesterday like I would have, BUT I have a easy one to do today. So let's get this started!
February Recap
So a lot happened in February. Not a lot happened on the blog but a lot did happen in my life. I was very busy working my ass off (and for the next three weeks I will be working my ass off too). Doing an internship on top of two classes is really tough but I think it is a good experience. Now, let's talk about some of the anime things I have gotten lately.
If you follow Kat's Anime Corner on Twitter then you have probably seen the picture I am about to show you. For Chelsie's birthday, I hand drew her a picture of her favorite anime character. No one else at her party understood but she had the biggest smile on her face and I loved it.
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Source: Katrina Meade |
Isn't Natsu so cute?? It's from my favorite episode 175 when Natsu is telling Sting and Rogue that he wants to fight again in the future.
Anyway, for me, well I haven't really purchased too much this month. I bought volume 25 of Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan and volume 12 of Blue Exorcist. Anime-wise I bought the entire season of Laughing Under the Clouds in Japanese on iTunes. I am in love with the show so I figured why not. Music-wise I think I bought some NateWantsToBattle and a few OP's but that is about it. Like I said, I really haven't been spending a lot of money lately.
Other than that, my time was not entirely focused on anime. I even managed to fall behind in a few of my shows, but don't fret I manage to somehow catch up enough on my days off that I keep up.
What was your February like? Were you as busy as me or did it seem pretty laid back to you?
Top 10: Binge Anime
This new edition to my Top 10 series came to me when I was watching anime with my best friend over the holidays. I decided that I wanted to offer my thoughts on some shows that work for that binge watching. I am actually putting a lot of thought into this because I have binge watched shows before. Though haven't we all. Now you can agree or disagree with me, but I would love to hear what you guys think are some noteworthy Binge Anime. (Also, on a side note...all of these shows are ones that I binge watched).
10. Naruto Shippuden - 402+ episodes
Now this binge is not for the faint of heart. This is a great binge watching show for Summer break. It's a good series to just sit down for hours on end and getting lost in the plot. I literally calculated it out and it would take about 7 days without any sleep to watch all 402 episodes, but please don't try that. Spend at least month or so. You need sleep...and food. Lots of food.
9. Blue Exorcist - 25 episodes
An easier series to cram into one day than the previous contender, this fantasy series is one that you just don't want to stop watching. Whether it's in Japanese or English, I highly recommend watching this in full at least once in your life.
8. Attack on Titan - 25 episodes
If you are like me, binge watching this series was the only way you could stomach watching it. I watched it in both Japanese and English but I don't know why I did...I just can't handle all the gross that comes with man-eating titans.
7. Strike the Blood - 24 episodes
If you haven't figured it out by now, I love this show and I will always find an opportunity to rewatch it at least once or twice...or fifty times. It's so light-hearted and funny plus it's a cute romance that it is easy to watch all twenty-four episodes in one go.
6. Kuroko no Basuke - 56+ episodes
This on-going sports series is epic and it's actually hard if you don't watch it all in one go. That's why my little sister is waiting until season three is over before she even starts to watch it. The cliffhangers at the end of each episode, plus the games that span five or six episodes draw you in until you finish the show.
5. Free! - 25 episodes
Like the above series, it's almost hard to not watch it all in one go. I got the pleasure of doing that with Eternal Summer (season two) but I had to wait with season one. If you are interested in half-naked, well-muscled anime boys getting in and out of pools...well this is the place for you.
4. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 64 episodes
You don't necessarily have to watch the original Fullmetal Alchemist series before watching this one, but it does fill in a few gaps in the story (like Mr. Yoki and a bit more about Ed & Roy's rivalry). However, if you are just interested in starting a well written story, this is definitely a great one. I actually would have preferred to start with this one because the ending of the original FMA throws you for a loop that causes you to have to take a break from the series before even attempting to start Brotherhood. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just wait until I do my FMA review in a month or so.
3. Sword Art Online - 49 episodes + 1 movie
Now you may be wondering why I included the movie for SAO but I didn't on all the others. Well that is simple. The SAO Extra Edition adds a bit of necessary filler between the end of the ALO arc and the beginning of the GGO arc. It sets up the relationship between Kirito and Kikuoka, which is really important in GGO. Plus it shows the bonds between the SAO players and the ALO players. But anyway, this is actually a really cool series to watch from start to finish with no breaks because it is amazing to watch all these different worlds grow into one virtual world that is interconnected in some way.
2. Tokyo Ghoul - 20+ episodes
I originally watched the first 12 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul season one in like a day. You get sucked in and then BAM gore galore. If you don't know what I'm talking about I have one word for you: Jason. Blerg. Funnily enough, unlike AoT I have actually rewatched this series a number of times. I even own season one. I am also watching the BroadcastDub of season two in English while watching the Simulcast of season two in Japanese. It's a brilliant show.
Honorable Mentions:
- Sailor Moon (200 episodes)
- Tokyo Ravens (24 episodes)
- Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan (26 episodes)
- Noragami (12 episodes)
1. Fairy Tail - 222+ episodes
Are you surprised? If you remember, I actually got into Fairy Tail by binge watching. I only wish I didn't have school when I had done so because I would have been finished like two weeks earlier. (I started watching when series two was like 5 episodes in or so). What isn't to love about Fairy Tail? If you are looking to binge watch the English dub, you can watch all 175 episodes of Series One in English on FUNimation. Or if you want to binge all the Japanese episodes, hope on either FUNimation or Crunchyroll to catch the series as it Simulcasts in Japan.
What is your favorite show to binge watch? Do you binge watch shows? Let me know. We can swap recovery stories. (If you don't have a recovery story...tell me how you did it because I'd love to not feel like I have a massive hangover from being glued to one room)
Well guys. That is it for this week. I totally got this in before Monday...but just barely. (It is currently 11:16 pm as I finish typing this and then I will review it).
See you all next week.
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Ja ne!
xx Kat
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