Hey guys! It is that time again for me to give you a review on the newest update of Aeon Dream Studio's To The Edge of the Sky. After the last release, people waited with bated breath for the full release of chapter one. ADS did not disappoint. Unfortunately for iOS users, you had to wait until just recently when they released both the free and premium versions in the Apple App Store. Now, this whole review will be of both versions, so I will be talking about the difference between Free and Premium content. Also, as a side-note, there will more than likely be chapter one spoilers...so be cautious and:
So, let's get started!
©Katrina Meade |
For this review, I've decided to focus on a few key points of the new update as well as my favorite moments. I will also be covering my theories and thoughts for this game. We will talk points first though.
If you don't follow ADS staff on social media, why not? Basically there was some staff changes, while the departing members of the TTEOTS artists is sad, there were some new and amazing additions to the staff. I will list the current staff of ADS.
Current Aeon Dream Studios Staff
Ajane J.K Celestin
Egle Dilyte
Jacqueline Rivera
Support Staff
Audia Pahlevi
Dominique Wittwer
Dipesh Aggarwal
A. Himitsu
Lakey Inspired
With these staff updates other aspects of the game also received an update including the art, menu, and sounds. Let's talk about these things backwards...otherwise known as...I didn't really think through listing this since I wanted to talk about art last and I am too lazy to go back and change my writing...LOL. Anyway...sounds. The music is still very fitting to the story line (I wish I had played the original version before updating the game so that I could hear the difference - if any - in the music) but the most notable thing to me was that there were actual sound effects! Like in the opening scene you hear birds chirping! It may have been a minor change but it was still a well received change...at least for me.
The next change was the menu. Unlike the sound, I actually have photographic evidence of this change. So the original menu featured the faces of Operatives Six, Four, Nine, Zero, Five, Eight, and Three while also listing their classes. The new menu takes out the Operative's faces and instead featured a sky view that feels much more sci-fi-ish (real English is used in KAC -.-). The menu options have also changed. The original menu had the options of: Load, Archive, Options, News, End, and Begin. The new menu has the options of: Continue, Load, Options, Phantasm Network, F.A.Q., and Begin. If you are used to the old format you may be asking why Continue and Load are in the same menu when they both do the same thing. Well, yes this is true...if you saved your last place to the load screen. Continue picks up where you left off and Load allows you to pick up from any save point. So if you, say, save at a choice spot, you can pick up from that spot and pick a new route. Another new feature is the F.A.Q. section which answers a lot of those frequent questions that ADS is bombarded with on Twitter...despite answering over and over again...Seriously...is it that hard to just go to their FAQ page? They have one on pretty much every social platform you can think of, including their website where they write posts answering some of the questions you can find that here:
https://www.aeondreamstudios.com/news/. Sorry...rant over...I just get really upset when I am constantly having to see them answer the same questions over and over again on twitter. You do realize that them answering your questions again and again is leading them to slow down what they are actually working on or answering/interacting with other fans? *sigh* Anyway...Here are the examples of the changes in the menu.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios
Now, one of the biggest changes with the change of staff, was the artwork. A lot of the art seems to have gotten a quick makeover to allow it to look smoother, but nothing is as stand out as the change in one of the characters. Operative Four got a complete revamping design...and I love it. Though, it was very...controversial. A lot of people did not like it. Let's share it before I go on.
Original Four Design
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios
New Four Design
©Aeon Dream Studios |
So as you can see, he has taken on a whole new look from his face to his hair. His clothing and character has stayed the same. But there were a lot of people who mocked ADS and said that Four no longer looked like Min Yoongi who was the inspiration for the character. Never mess with ADS unless you can provide proof...because ADS has proof that will shut down anyone who mocks them.
Exhibit A
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
Basically, the ADS staff are bad-ass and can back up their beautiful art. Now, another notable change to the art...is the addition of the actual use of Seven's sprite. It is actually really cool to see Seven interacting with the characters. This feature can be turned off if you would prefer but it helps with the story telling to see Seven interacting with her teammates.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
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©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
I have to say that Seven is actually really beautiful. I really love her hair color and I wish that I had her hair color. The other feature of Seven to be noted is that when TTEOTS originally started Seven was around 20 years old, she is now 27 years old in the game. I really like having her older for some reason. Plus you get a lot more character development from her now that you know more about her.
Now the real big change is that they have finally released the premium version of the game! Premium content was released to the world on May 20th, 2018. The thing with premium content is that it costs $9.99 USD but you get early access to game updates and bonus content. Anyone who purchased premium got to play the new update before anyone else. The last people who got to play the new chapter were iOS users who only have the free version of the game since their update wasn't released until June 6th, 2018. I have played both versions of the game on both iOS and PC...multiple times. I haven't even been able to take every route yet! I've mostly done different variances on Four's route because as I've said before...I stan Four hard. That aside, let's talk the differences in the content.
The first set of premium options aren't until chapter one. In the beginning of chapter one, you are in a stand-off with Magician and in the free version you join Zero in taking her down. Now in the premium version, you get to choose. Join the fight or let Zero handle it. If you take the premium answer of let Zero handle it, you get a bit more back story on Zero.
Free Version
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Premium Version
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©Aeon Dream Studios |
You also get to see Zero become a bit more vulnerable because of the "Zero Initiative" which leads you to be curious about his back story a lot more. The next set of premium scenes comes when they are back on the KAIROS ship and Seven runs into Five. The original scene is light-hearted and sweet.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
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©Aeon Dream Studios |
The premium scene, you get to ask more questions, you get to become more...intimate with Five. Eww, you pervs...You get to hug Five. Also, you can sense a little bit more jealousy from Zero because his partner is getting close (in more ways than one) with another operative. ADS is always talking about how there will be romantic undertones in some of the premium content and this was our first sneak peek. I am excited to see what other options we get.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
The cool thing about chapter one though is that you interact the most with Zero, Four, and Five. Which leads me to the last two bits of premium content. Seven's interactions with Zero and Four. When they are on their mission, Seven checks up on Five to see how his mission is going (in the free version).
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
In the premium version, she gets the option to check up on Zero to see how her partner is doing. It adds to the whole needing to know what exactly the Zero Initiative truly is.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
After she gets startled out of her "spying" by Four, the two make their way to their vantage point and they chat for a bit. This doesn't change too much in each version. Except for one thing.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
In the premium version you get to actually see what Seven is seeing while on the rooftop with Four! You get a very beautiful close-up and some additional questions to ask him. You can tell that Four truly cares for his team.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
©Aeon Dream Studios |
The last scene of the game though, killed me. ADS is going to drag you around by your emotions, probably laughing their asses off because they know what they are doing. The ending is the same in both versions, but the premium version makes you feel a bit more attached to Five (at least I did) because of the close bonding in his room.
©Aeon Dream Studios |
Now, after this whole chapter was finished, I was instantly bombarded with thoughts and theories. What do the numbers stand for? There has to be a reason...so what is that reason? Is Seven starting to question the purpose of PHASe? What role does Nish play in all of this? Is she more powerful with her Twin Brother? Is that why KAIROS wants her? As far as Five's backstory goes, is KAIROS somehow involved with the reason for his fear of guns? Did KAIROS cause some damage to Five or was it PHASe? All we know is guns are bad. Four's soft spot for his team seems to be something special, he knows more than he is letting on to Seven, will he open up to her?
Now for my theories. TTEOTS is
not going to pan out the way people are expecting it to. I can see Seven breaking off from PHASe very easily (not to go to KAIROS because that is too cliche). Thing that will make her snap? Something bad involving her team especially Zero and Five. As far as the romantic story line, maybe, but probably not part of the main story. Though it seems that precious baby Zero is developing a crush on his partner Seven and is very jealous of how close Seven is getting to the other operatives especially Five who he found her in a darkened room with.
I can't wait to see what changes ADS will make before they release the final version at the end of the year. As more chapters come out, theories and thoughts can easily change or even solidify. What are your theories about the game? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter (@Katrina_Meade).
Want to play TTEOTS? You can download the game at the following links.
One last thing, don't forget to give Aeon Dream Studios lots of love for their work, they work really hard and are doing an amazing job.
That's all for this time! Until the next time!
Ja ne!
xx Kat
Update 06/10/18