AniMinneapolis 2018: What You Need to Know

Hey guys! So I am fairly certain I have explained that the KAC team will be attending AniMinneapolis 2018 (if you want to attend you can still buy tickets: here). We attended last year and had a whole bunch of fun. We hope this year is going to be just as amazing. If you want to meet up with the team, please don't be shy to reach out to us. Now, for the real reason for this blog post.

Last year when we attended, we were joking that it would be really cool if we would be able to have a panel at the convention and talk about our favorite things with you all in person. Well, when I was kind of bumming about some of the stuff going on in my life back in March, I decided that I wanted to do something spontaneous. So I submitted the opportunity to do a panel for KAC. Well on 4/4/18, AniMinneapolis contacted me and said they approved my panel!

Let's talk about the actual convention information. I would really love to meet some of you there, so please, if you are going to be attending AniMinneapolis, consider attending our panel.

Panel Name: Kat's Anime Corner
Room: Panel Room 4 (second floor)
Times: 05/27/2018 (Sunday) 
1:00 pm to 1:50 pm

We have a lot we have planned to talk about (k-pop and anime related). We also will be passing out some goodies (anime and k-pop related). Comment below if you will be attending. You can also contact us on Facebook (Kat's Anime Corner) or on Twitter (@katsanimecorner or @katrina_meade). 

See you all in May! That's it for this quick update! Don't forget to subscribe so you can always be alerted to new blog posts. Until next time! 

Ja ne! 

xx Kat

Update 04/04/2018


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